Anxiety and stress
Clinical psychologists support those suffering from the effects of the stresses of everyday life. Types of anxiety are also widespread in the population. These include panic attacks, phobias, obsessions, compulsions, excessive worrying and high anxiety and fears following traumatic events. Sometimes the person experiences fears and worries (e.g. fear of losing control, going crazy, dying or being judged by others) and/or physical discomfort or tension. Sometimes they avoid situations which trigger these experiences (e.g. going out in public) or engage in rituals to cope with the anxiety and tension. Clinical Psychologists diagnose and treat the problems that describe anxiety disorders.
Depression and other mood disorders
Clinical Psychologists diagnose and treat all disorders of mood. Depression is made up of a number of things such as persistent irritable and/or sad mood, reduced energy, lack of or increased appetitie, changes in motivation, and pleasure in usual activities, among other features.
Feeling ‘down’ or sad is a normal response to loss (e.g. losing a job or relationship, or to death), and is something we all experience from time to time, but if the feelings persist or seem to be too intense that person may be experiencing depression. Bipolar mood disorders are diagnosed when the highs and lows of mood are abnormally high and/or low.
Relationships - couples and families
Clinical psychologists manage all manner of difficulties that arise within relationships. Sometimes the simple things get overlooked in families with busy lifestyles.
In the case of couples, the common issues are those wishing to avoid repeating previous mistakes when beginning a new relationship, those wanting to improve communication skills, those wanting help with infidelity or other breaches of trust, problems with sexual difficulties, and those who want help with separating.